*** Công ty Sài Gòn Xanh chuyên tư vấn thiết kế, thi công, chuyển giao công nghệ xử lý nước, nước thải, khí thải, rác thải, tư vấn môi trường và phân tích thí nghiệm các chỉ tiêu môi trường.                                      Saigon EnviGreen specializes in design, construction and installation, technology transfer on water, wastewater engineering, air pollution control, solid waste, environmental consulting and laboratory analysis of environmental parameters. 
Announced Capacity of Construction Activities


Pursuant According to Circular 11/2014 / TT-BXD dated 25/08/2014 of the Ministry of Construction on the registration of capacity of construction activities of organizations and individuals engaged in construction work. Saigon Green E&C conducted registration dossiers capacity of construction activities with the following contents:


2. Address:  83 Truong Vinh Ky Street, Tan Thanh Ward, Ta Phu District, HCMC

Tel: (08) 62675811                                    Fax: (08) 62675812

Email:                     Website:

3. Person Refresentative:

Name: Nguyen Nhu Sang                           Position:  Director

4.Operational capacity is announced:

Based Document No. 11853 / SXD-PC September 30, 2015 and Official Letter No. 12 761 / SXD-PC October 14, 2015 of the Department of Civil Engineering for acceptance of the operational capacity of Saigon Green E&C. Recognizing the company has sufficient operational capacity in the field of construction, including:

– Field designed public utility III, IV;

– Field suppervised the quality of public utility III, IV;

– Construction sector public utility III, IV.