*** Công ty Sài Gòn Xanh chuyên tư vấn thiết kế, thi công, chuyển giao công nghệ xử lý nước, nước thải, khí thải, rác thải, tư vấn môi trường và phân tích thí nghiệm các chỉ tiêu môi trường.                                      Saigon EnviGreen specializes in design, construction and installation, technology transfer on water, wastewater engineering, air pollution control, solid waste, environmental consulting and laboratory analysis of environmental parameters. 
Wastewater Treatment Plant of Tien Tien Co., Ltd.

Wastewater Treatment Plant of Tien Tien Co., Ltd.

Earlier 5/2014, Saigon Green began construction of the wastewater treatment plant with capacity of 90 m3 / day for the parking lot of Tien Tien Co., Ltd. at 71/1 Che Lan Vien, Tay Thanh Ward, Tan Phu District, Ho Chi Minh City.

Diagram of the WWTP including: Bar screen => Oil and Grease trap => Equalization tank => Aeration Tank => Clarifier => Sand Filter => Disinfection. The effluent reach QCVN 40:2011/BTNMT, column A.

The investment the WWTP is praiseworthy efforts of Tien Tien Co., Ltd. in economic growth combined environmental protection aims to contribute to sustainable development.

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