National activities in response to the World Environment Day (June 05, 2016)
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) has issued Official Letter No. 1363/BTNMT-TDKTTT date April 19, 2016 requesting the agency, organization co-chaired the organizing national activities in response World Environment Day (June 05, 2016).
Accordingly, national activities launched and respond the World Environment Day was held in Lao Cai province with the co-chair of the institution: the Central Vietnam Veterans Association, Central Vietnam Elderly Association, the People’s Committee of Lao Cai province.
Every year, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment to coordinate the agencies and the local organizing holidays, events environment natural resources and the environment in order to contribute to raising public awareness about the management, exploitation and use of Management of natural resources associated with environmental protection, sustainable development.
A new feature of the plan to organize the World Environment Day on 05/6/2016 is a combination of two agencies organizing social and political organizations is central Vietnam Veterans Association, Central Vietnam Elderly Association.
Besides, the last time the local Lao Cai has many activities focus on the management of state resources and the environment and has extensive experience in the organization of important political events. This location is also consistent with the expected theme of World Environment Day this year is “Anti-trafficking in wild animals.” In particular, the organization of the World Environment Day 2016 in Lao Cai will be active sense, practical for the province’s 25th anniversary of the re-establishment of Lao Cai and the National Tourism Year 2017 in Lao Cai province.
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